Keep your research organized the whole way through—from workshop to roadmap.
Brand strategy requires gathering different types of information from many different places.
Which gets messy very quickly.
When information is buried, you feel like you don’t have enough to start the roadmap.
Where did I put that article with the good quote?! ugghghhghghg!
So instead of getting started, you keep gathering more and more.
which creates an even bigger mess that makes it even harder to think.
Keep your research organized, no matter what type of media.
Identify and highlight the important stuff, so it never gets buried or lost.
Visually spot patterns that will help you build a solid strategy.
Easily recall the most important parts of your research.
Feel focused and prepared to start building the roadmap.
Tame the mess with this Notion template
This will not build a roadmap for you…
But it will help you spark your creative thinking by staying focused on what you have and staying organized the whole way through.